lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2007

En la oscuridad florecen las rosas.

4 comentarios:

Quim dijo...

Welcome back!

demagophobe dijo...

Thanks, my adlater from the dark side. Nice trip, complex experience, weird reflections, fruitful conclusions.

Quim dijo...

“Adlater from the dark side”? In the context of your recent visit to Holly Land, I presume you are referring to the mark of infamy [ ] that taints my damned soul? Or, perhaps, you allude to my current place of abode, on the eastern bank of the Ebro river, where the source of all evil resides? In any case, coming from you, I take it as a compliment ... ;P

demagophobe dijo...

You unholy spawn... in time (and with time) I might change your views. Wait and see, homeboy, wait and see...