lunes, 28 de mayo de 2007

Normalización lingüística

Now that spanish local elections are over, that all the fuzz and Götterdammerung was left somewhere back on the road, that we are back to normal -if that ever existed-, allow me to introduce you to my concept of "lenguage normalization". This concept, nowadays borrowed by nationalism, tries to express the need to expand, to broaden and generalise the use of one lenguage in one preestablished territory, region... In order to achieve this goal, policies are stablished to foster this one lenguage, letting the others in some sort of standby. Je ne vais pas faire aucune critique -je vous laisse cette tâche, tandis que les critiques soient constructives-, mais je voudrais partager une sorte de globalisation du concepte, de telle façon que "normalisation lingüistique" puisse etrê assimilée a "globalisation lingüistique". J'ai le droit de parler dans ma langue, et cette decision -que n'est qu'une liberté quasi-fondamentale" devrait être respectée, du même façon que je doit respecter la liberté des autres de parler dans ses langues. deswegen, und auf diese blog, Alle Können sich auf ihre Sprache unterhalten. Wir werden versuchen, ein Globalisches Blog anzubauen, so... Esteu tots convidats, sensa cap limitació. Y lo siento por las posibles -y, sin duda nuemerosas-, faltas de ortografía.

3 comentarios:

Quim dijo...

I’m impressed by your profound analysis of an issue which, if I remember correctly, wasn’t discussed by anyone during the entire campaign. If I may, I would like to ask you a few questions about something which was subject to intense debate. I’m an immigrant in Spain, who voted in yesterday’s election for a candidate that didn't run for Partido Popular. According to the leader of said political party, immigrants in Spain bring along insecurity, and a vote that doesn’t go to Partido Popular is a vote for the terrorist group E.T.A. The majority of votes yesterday went to candidates representing parties other than Partido Popular.
Am I a terrorist enabler?
Is the majority of Spanish population pro terrorism?
Should Partido Popular’s followers seek George W. Bush’s help, to rid the country from the enemy within, à la Iraq?
Would you agree with me that José María Aznar is a pathetic idiot?

demagophobe dijo...

Dear Juan, although I must recognise the ironic depth of your questions and questioning, a profound answer to such subjects would reveal my personal views and, therefore, opinions, on the subject. Nevertheless, anyone can see that what lies underneath your doubts is a deep critic on the conservative spanish party, which is undoubtedly miles away of his french or british counterpsrts. These election results should be regarded as an optimal opportunity for the different parties to reflect, shouldn't it? regards, Juan

Quim dijo...

"(...) a profound answer to such subjects would reveal my personal views and, therefore, opinions, on the subject (...)"

Quite frankly, I don't how you can reconcile the foregoing statement with the fact that, by writing this post and "Día de elecciones" you are actually providing "personal views and, therefore, opinions" regarding Spanish politics.

And no, the fact that you don't directly associate with a particular party's positions isn't a good enough excuse (what counts is the substance, not the form, eh?).

Welcome to the blogosphere, my friend, where each and every one of your inconsistencies (actual or purported) will be magnified x 1000!!